1. Powerful 315MHz 433MHz Dual Band Car Remote Control Jammer With 50 Meters Jamming Radius
    Powerful 315MHz 433MHz Dual Band Car Remote Control Jammer With 50 Meters Jamming Radius
    Powerful 315MHz 433MHz Dual Band Car Remote Control Jammer With 50 Meters Jamming Radius
    Product Notes This Dual Band Car Remote Control jammer’s effective specified blocking frequency is 315MHz/433MHz. The powerful jammer can block signals of car and garage door within the 50 meters range. Besides, additional feature of TV and toy vehicle remote jamming is also available. You don’t need to worry about its radiation effect, up to the national standard; it will not be dangerous to humans and animals. If you are crazy about those guys who intrude your circle, take it and keep your space safe, any device during this frequency are doomed to be dead once you charge the jammer kit. Want to have a try come to www.jammerall.com to know more details. Dual Band Car Remote Control jammer Specifications: Frequency Jammed: 315MHz/433MHz (+/- 2MHz) Power Supply: DC 9-12V power adaptor Operating Range: UP to 50 meters radius Working current: 80mA Dimension: 124*90*35mm Color: Black Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

    phone jammer car olympics

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